Choosing the Right Solar Panel System for Your Metal Building

A metal building riding arena with solar panels on the roof

Solar panels for metal buildings can be a game-changer. Not only do these accessories help reduce your environmental impact, but they can also save you money over time by decreasing electricity costs.

“Solar is no longer an ‘if’ but ‘when’ decision as commercial real estate owners see its value.”– BloombergNEF Report

Table Of Contents:

Benefits and Drawbacks of Solar Panels for Metal Buildings

Solar panels on metal buildings can offer a myriad of advantages. However, it is essential to be aware of the potential downsides before making the investment.

Benefits of Solar Panels

Firstly, solar panels are an excellent way to tap into renewable energy. They convert sunlight directly into electricity. This means you’re using a power source that won’t run out or fluctuate with the market and world events – unlike fossil fuels.

In addition, they could drastically reduce your energy bills. Once installed, solar panels require minimal maintenance and provide free electricity whenever there’s daylight. It doesn’t even need to be sunny.

Last but not least is their eco-friendly nature; they don’t produce greenhouse gases or other harmful emissions once operational. This makes them perfect for businesses aiming for sustainable operations.

Drawbacks of Solar Panels

However beneficial solar panels might seem though, it’s only fair we address some concerns too.

To start with – cost. The initial installation charges can be steep when compared with traditional energy sources, according to research from Berkeley Lab.

Another point worth noting is the dependency on weather conditions; while you do get some power generation during cloudy days or in winter – efficiency does take a hit.

The third concern involves space requirements. You need ample roof area on your steel building to accommodate enough solar panels that meet your energy needs. 

Making the Decision: Is it Worth It?

While there are certainly some drawbacks to consider, for many businesses, the long-term benefits of solar panels far outweigh these. In fact, with government incentives and falling costs, installing solar panels on metal buildings is becoming an increasingly viable option.

So, you’re thinking about the renewable energy route? Great. But remember, it’s crucial to do some digging first, by realizing your specific needs.

Key Takeaway: 

Installing solar panels on your metal building taps into renewable energy, potentially slashing your energy bills and promoting eco-friendly operations. But keep in mind the initial cost, weather dependency for efficiency, and ample roof space requirements. With government incentives and falling costs though, this sustainable option is becoming increasingly viable for many businesses.

Determining Your Energy Needs

Knowing your energy needs is a crucial step when selecting the right solar panel system for your metal building. It’s like planning a road trip; you wouldn’t start without knowing how much gas you’ll need, would you? The same applies to choosing solar panels.

The first thing to do is figure out how much power your building uses daily. You can get this information from your utility bills or by using an online energy use calculator.

Average Daily Power Consumption

To calculate average daily power consumption, add up the wattage of all appliances and devices used in the building each day. For instance, if a 100-watt bulb runs for five hours per day, it consumes 500 watts (or 0.5 kilowatts) daily.

Multiply this number by the total operating hours of all gadgets over a month and divide by thirty days—voila. You have an estimate of monthly kWh (kilowatt-hours).

Solar Insolation Values

Next comes understanding ‘solar insolation values’ – fancy term but simple concept. This value tells us how many hours per day we can expect our solar panels to generate their rated output under ideal conditions.

You might ask, “Why do we need this?” Well, because not every hour sees perfect sunshine—think cloudy weather or sunrise/sunset times. So getting familiar with these numbers gives us realistic expectations of potential production levels.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s map tool offers a reliable resource for these values.

Size of Solar Panel System

Once you know your daily power consumption and solar insolation values, it’s time to determine the size of your solar panel system. Here’s an easy way: divide average daily energy use (in kWh) by the local average sun hours (insolation). The result gives you a rough estimate of how many kilowatts of panels are needed to cover energy usage.

The good news is, there are online tools available that can do this calculation for you. Just make sure to input accurate data so as not to be surprised later.

Key Takeaway: 

Choosing the right solar panel system for your metal building starts with understanding your energy needs. Like planning a road trip, you wouldn’t begin without knowing how much fuel you’ll need. Start by figuring out daily power usage from utility bills or online calculators. Remember, past consumption helps predict future use.

Budget Considerations for Solar Panel Installation

Planning to use solar panels on your metal building is a wise move, but let’s be honest—it can make a dent in your wallet. Let’s dive into the cost factors you need to consider when installing solar panels.

The Cost of Solar Panels

Solar panel prices have decreased substantially, making them more attainable than in the past. However, their costs still vary based on efficiency and brand reputation. High-efficiency panels might cost more upfront, but they’ll give you more energy output per square foot—making them an excellent choice if space is limited. provides helpful insights about this topic.

Labor and Installation Costs

Next up are labor costs which include both installation fees and additional electrical work that may be needed. Keep in mind that hiring professionals not only ensures safety but also maximizes system performance by ensuring proper setup—a worthwhile investment.

Inverters and Batteries

Your budget must account for inverters too—they convert direct current (DC) produced by your solar panels into alternating current (AC), which powers most household appliances. Moreover, batteries store excess power for later use—particularly handy during nighttime or cloudy days—but remember these add-ons come with added expenses.

Potential Hidden Costs

You might also encounter unexpected expenditures like roof repairs or reinforcements before installing heavy solar arrays; upgrading electrical systems; potential permits; inspections—and don’t forget insurance. All these little things can add up so it’s important to factor them into your planning phase.

Solar Panel Government Incentives and Rebates

Various government incentives and rebates exist to help offset the cost of installation, such as the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit. For instance, the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credit offers a tax credit for 26% of installation costs with no upper limit (which has now been raised to 30% for panels installed between 2022 and 2032). Additionally, many utilities offer rebates or pay you for excess power your system produces—a concept known as net metering.

Finding Financing Options

But don’t worry if paying upfront seems tough. Remember, financing options are available to ease the burden.

Key Takeaway: 

Installing solar panels on your metal building is a smart, but costly decision. Costs can vary based on panel efficiency, brand reputation, and installation fees. Additional expenses like inverters, batteries, potential roof repairs, or system upgrades should also be considered. However, government incentives and rebates can help offset some costs. And if paying upfront seems tough—don’t worry. Financing options are available.

Evaluating Available Space for Solar Panels

When contemplating the placement of solar panels on your MBMI metal structure, one essential factor to contemplate is the available space. But how much space do you really need? Let’s break it down.

The amount of solar panels you need depends on your energy consumption and the power output of the panels chosen. Generally speaking, a typical residential solar panel measures about 65 inches by 39 inches (5.4ft x 3.25ft), producing around 260-275 watts. So, if we use that as a benchmark, let’s say an average household uses approximately 10,400 kWh per year; then we’ll require roughly 40 panels.

Determining Your Roof Space

To start off with estimating roof area for these many panels, understand that each panel requires about 17 square feet of space including some buffer zone for access during installation or maintenance work. Therefore with our example earlier requiring around forty panels, we would need an estimated roof area of at least 680 square feet.

But not all spaces are created equal. When evaluating roof surface suitability, keep in mind aspects such as shade from nearby structures or trees which can significantly impact power generation efficiency.

Potential Solutions If You Lack Space

If finding sufficient unshaded rooftop real estate proves challenging, don’t fret – there are alternative solutions out there. One popular choice among property owners short on usable rooftop areas has been ground-mounted systems which provide greater flexibility regarding orientation and tilt angles, maximizing energy capture.

Another approach to overcome space constraints could be through the use of high-efficiency solar panels. These might cost more upfront but they generate more electricity per square foot than standard efficiency panels, thereby reducing the overall number required. 

Key Takeaway: 

It’s essential to understand that the size and efficiency of your panels can be adjusted based on what works best for you. Whether it’s ground-mounted systems or high-efficiency panels, there are plenty of options out there if rooftop space is tight. 

Comparing Different Types of Solar Panels

Solar panels are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Comparing different types of solar panels is essential to ensure you’re getting the most out of your investment.

Monocrystalline Solar Panels (Mono-SI)

Monocrystalline solar panels, also known as Mono-SI, offer high efficiency and sleek design but come with a higher price tag. These black-hued panels consist of a single-crystal structure that allows electrons more room to move, resulting in a higher efficiency rate.

Polycrystalline Solar Panels (Poly-SI)

Moving on from mono, we have polycrystalline solar panels. Poly-SI offers lower efficiency than its monocrystalline counterpart but compensates by being cost-effective for those who need budget-friendly options.

Thin-Film: Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells (A-Si)

If flexibility is what you’re after, consider thin-film amorphous silicon cells. A significant advantage here is their aesthetic appeal; they blend well with metal buildings due to their slim profile. As they have a lower efficiency rating than other varieties, thin-film amorphous silicon cells occupy more space due to their slim profile.

Biohybrid Solar Cell

Last but certainly not least are biohybrid solar cells. This cutting-edge technology combines organic matter and photovoltaic materials to generate electricity, offering a greener approach to harnessing the sun’s power.

It’s like choosing between an SUV, sedan, or compact car – each has its perks but what works best depends on your specific needs and circumstances.

Suitability for Metal Buildings

If you’ve got a lot of roof space and are watching your budget, polycrystalline panels could be the better option. Though they may not possess the same level of aesthetics or efficacy as monocrystalline panels, polycrystalline panels are more economical and can still be utilized to great effect.

For more information on solar panels for your metal building, contact our experts today. Our engineers are not only experts when it comes to solar power systems, they are renowned for crafting custom metal buildings, from barndominiums to agricultural buildings, commercial buildings to RV storage structures, and more. 

Solar Panel FAQs

How many solar panels are needed to power a house?

An average home needs about 20 to 25 panels for full power. But your energy use and where you live can change this number.

Is installing solar panels actually worth it?

Solar panels can be worth it due to lower electricity bills, increased property value, and environmental benefits. Yet initial costs may be high.

What do I wish I knew before buying solar panels?

Prior knowledge should include understanding installation costs, knowing your energy usage, choosing the right type of panel, maintenance requirements, and possible tax incentives.

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MBMI is formed by a group of top steel building professionals who focus on delivering the best products and services possible.

We have the experience and know how to put together the highest quality steel building kit existing in the metal industry.
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